A multi-tenant administration interface

The Oxiadmin interface centralizes all the necessary information for managing backup jobs.

It provides full access to your client environment and the status of backups.

Acting as a real dashboard, its multi-tenant model ensures real-time communication as well as comprehensive monitoring of all jobs.

Complete software suite

Designed and developed in-house, Oxiadmin offers complete, real-time traceability of operations and the configuration of detailed reports for proactive monitoring of automated backup jobs.

Remote administration

Each machine is visible on the interface, and all backup jobs can be launched and configured remotely. With a single click, you can monitor all backups across your IT infrastructure: workstations, servers, virtual machines, cloud services, and remote sites.

Simplicité d’utilisation

Oxibox offers a unique user experience across all environments. Protect and visualize your entire digital heritage through a single, user-friendly interface.