Oxibox secure backup
A secure backup is a copy of data that is stored in such a way as to guarantee its availability and immutability against threats and incidents.
Oxibox secures backups and guarantees your ability to restart instantly in the event of a cyber-attack.
The result of innovative, patented technology, it complies with ANSSI (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information) criteria.

Why backup my data ?
Data backup is an essential part of the fight against data loss.
Indeed, this risk is not negligible for companies and local authorities.
Hardware failures, accidental deletions, cyber-attacks or natural disasters – the causes of data loss are numerous and have a major impact on the company, even leading to the closure of the service in the most serious cases. To avoid this, you need a backup solution for your business.
Data deduplication
The Oxibox solution deduplicates the data to be backed up: redundant data (compared with previous backups) is identified and eliminated. This backup process saves storage resources and saves backup time.
It also saves network resources, as data already stored does not pass through the network a second time.
Deduplicated backups also offer an advantage when restoring: the blocks of data backed up are indexed. This indexing allows you to select only the elements you need, without having to restore the complete backup.

Disconnect backup and air gapping
The security of Oxibox data backups is based on a patented system of secure, disconnected enclaves (known as « air gapping »). Backups are stored in enclaves and cannot be accessed from the outside. This immutability is reinforced by their logical disconnection from the network.
Backup 3-2-1-1
Oxibox backup complies with the 3-2-1-1 standard recommended by ANSSI: 3 copies of your data, on 2 different storage media, including 1 offline copy and 1 off-site copy in our Oxibox cloud. This standard maximizes the security and availability of critical information.

Data encryption
Data encryption is the process of converting readable data (plaintext) into an unreadable format (encrypted data). The original data can only be recovered by those with the (de)encryption key.
Encrypting data at source prevents information leaks and the exploitation of saved data by attackers.
At Oxibox, data is encrypted end-to-end and double-encrypted in transit.