
A physical or virtual computer machine with a distinct function within the IS. In our case the apliances are intended to execute backups.



Data archiving is the storage of important but unexploited data on a medium other than the production system. Archived data is often legal or evidential data.



Backup agent

The agent is the program installed in a machine (server or workstation) to back up files of this host machine. It reads the files and transfers all or part of the modified data to the backup target. It also allows the file to be reconstructed on this machine in the recovery process.


Backup Engine

The backup engine is the software component that controls, reads, saves and sorts backups in one or more databases.


Backup logs

Backup logs record all the backup attempts made for a backup job.


Backup range

The backup range is the period of time, often defined by the user, during which the system can perform backup operations.


Backup report

The backup report gives the backup status at a time T for each machine and/or source directory.


Backup target

The backup target is the storage space intended to receive the data to be backed up.



Computer memory unit equal to 8 bits.



Feature that allows data operated on third party or cloud services to be backed up to a physical appliance on premise.


Configuration report

The configuration of a software is the set of parameters defined by the user during its installation. The configuration report is the report of all these parameters.



Cyber-resilience represents all the means a company has to protect the data it uses and stores. To cope with the cyber risks to which it is exposed, these means can be multiple: detection of attacks, data encryption, isolation of backup files, etc…


Cloud Infrastructure

The host is responsible for the security of the cloud while customers are responsible for the security in the cloud. As such, the hosting provider ensures the security of the infrastructures and part of the mechanisms against intrusions. Customers complete this security and protect access to their machines.



A datacenter is a physical infrastructure, with enhanced security standards, where many machines (server racks) that can store a large amount of data are grouped together.


Data encryption

Data encryption consists of protecting data using an algorithm to make it unreadable by a third party, to protect it from misuse.


Data outsourcing

Data outsourcing is the operation whereby data is copied and stored off-site on a cloud space.


Data volume

In computing, a volume is a storage area with a file system. A volume is typically placed on a partition of a hard disk.



In computing, deduplication is a storage technique that consists of factoring identical data sequences in order to optimise the storage space used.



A backup method that only takes into account file increments that have been modified within a defined time frame. This technique reduces storage space and reduces backup execution time.


Differential backup

This method consists of saving a first full backup and then all the changes read from this first full backup. This method allows a shorter restore time but consumes more storage space.



Distributed storage

Data storage technology that consists of fragmenting data to distribute it over the available space of an existing infrastructure. In the event of an incident these fragments are reconstructed.


Endpoint security

Endpoint security focus on user device predictive protection in order to detect and block attacks threatening the organization network.


Fireproof box

The fireproof backup box is a fire-resistant computer hardware. In our case, the Fireprooof box is used to protect the hard disks it contains in the event of a disaster.



French Industrials for Resilience, Security & Trust. The F.I.R.S.T. association (French Industrials for Resilience, Security & Trust) brings together innovative SMEs in the cybersecurity industry which have decided to work together.


In a distributed storage process, fragmentation means the division of data and its distribution over the available storage spaces of the same infrastructure.


Full backup

This backup method consists of backing up all files and folders on the system in their entirety at a given time T. An additional full copy of the data source is stored with each backup, which consumes a significant amount of storage space. Care must therefore be taken to limit the number of backups to be kept.



Gigabytes (gigabits in French) per second.




The data are georedundated when they are duplicated on 2 separate geographical sites in case the primary system is not able to access the data.



Granular (restoration)

Granular recovery allows the user to select the data to be recovered as a priority in order to optimise disaster recovery.



Data archiving is a parameter setting that allows different versions of a file to be kept during its evolution and within the limit of the defined anteriority, in order to be able to restore the desired version.


Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud can combine private and public clouds for greater flexibility according to the constraints imposed by a company’s IS.


Incremental backup

This method saves only the changes from the previous version. This method requires a longer restore time but less storage space.



All of a company’s physical and virtual IT equipment.



A job is a preconfigured task wihch defines how, where and when the data will be saved by the backup software.



Kilobits per second



Linear Tape-Open (or LTO) is an open-format magnetic tape storage technique


Mbit/s ou Mbps

Mégabits per second.



Software that acts as a bridge between an operating system or database and applications, especially on a network.




Object storage

A non-hierarchical storage method commonly used for cloud storage. It consists of storing data in units called objects.




On-premise literally means « on-premise », so we speak of a private cloud on-premise when it is deployed on the premises of the user entity, and off-premise when it is hosted off-site.



Physical To Virtual (P2V) is a process of migrating the operating system, applications and data from a physical server to a virtual machine hosted on a virtualized platform (virtualization).



Peer-to-peer (P2P)

Peer-to-peer in French. This is a system where several networked machines can both receive and distribute data without a centralized server.



POSIX storage

POSIX is a family of technical standards defined since 1988 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and formally referred to as IEEE 1003. These standards emerged from a project to standardise the programming interfaces of software intended to run on variants of the UNIX kernel.



Backup volume allocated per contract.



This is a rack or metal cabinet with drawers but generally with slides (or rails) located in the computer cases and servers, used to accommodate standard size hard disks (2.5 or 3.5 inches).



Computer RAID, or Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a technology for distributing storage among multiple hard disks. There are several levels of RAID, the most common are RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5. These levels can be combined with each other.



Rançongiciel in French. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts data and renders it inaccessible, with the aim of forcing the user to pay to retrieve it.


Remote administration

Remote administration is a program that allows a third party system to be controlled via a remote connection.



RTO Recovery time objective

The RPO Recovery Point Objective is the time interval defined in the recovery plan to restore and ensure business continuity.



RPO Recovery point objective

Le RPO Recovery Point Objective désigne l’intervalle de temps défini dans le plan de reprise d’activité pour restaurer et assurer la continuité d’activité.



General Regulations for Data Protection: this is the latest European directive aimed at protecting personal data and their use by the entities that collect them.



Data storage technology that consists of adding hardware to an existing storage infrastructure to increase storage capacity in a scalable and almost infinite manner.


Shadow IT

Shadow IT refers to IT operations within organisations carried out without the approval of the information systems management.



Abbreviation for software-defined storage, which refers to data storage based on software solutions. Software solutions enable more intelligent management of data storage.



In a backup system, a snapshot is the capture of data from a volume at a given time. Concretely, it is a reference set for all the modifications made since the last snapshot. The snapshot is therefore dependent on the source data and cannot be substituted for a backup system.



A backup source is any appliance, workstation or cloud service where the data to be backed up is produced or stored.


Storage node

A storage bay component.



File synchronisation is the process of matching content produced in several different locations instantaneously.


Synthetic backup

It combines full and incremental backup methods. In fact, the server produces backups that are complete from the first backup combined with the data from the incremental backups.



Total Cost of Ownership. This is the total cost of a system throughout its life cycle, taking into account not only direct costs (hardware, software, licences, etc.), but also all indirect costs (maintenance, use, etc.).




Unified P2P File System. Distributed storage technology developed by Oxibox to upgrade the available space of an existing infrastructure using data fragmentation.



Centralisation strategy within a single tool allowing traceability and administration of all backup processes.



A computer virus is a malicious program whose purpose is to disrupt or block the use of a machine. It can spread sneakily and quickly to other computers.



Volume Snapshot Service (or Shadow Copy), a Microsoft Windows technology that allows backups of files in use.



Also known as Wannacrypt and made famous by the global scale of its attack, this ransomware claimed lives in more than 150 countries in 2017.



1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes.