Legal notice
Identification notice
This website is the property of Oxibox SAS (Oxibox)
Company: Oxibox SAS
Adress: 38 Boulevard Paul Cézanne – 78280 GUYANCOURT, France
Numéro SIRET: 483 520 375 00047
RCS VERSAILLES B 483 520 375
Capital: 380 375,00 €
Host name: Oxibox SAS
Intellectual property and counterfeits
Oxibox owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all elements accessible on the site, including texts, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software.
Photo bank: Adobe Stock, Shutter stock, Pixabay.
Any total or partial reproduction or representation of this site by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of Oxibox is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property.
Oxibox’s trademarks, including the logo appearing on the site are trademarks (semi-figurative or not) and are registered. Any total or partial reproduction of these marks or logos made from the elements of the site without the express authorization of Oxibox is prohibited, within the meaning of articles L.713-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property.
We thank the users of the site to inform us of any omissions, errors, corrections, by contacting us via our contact form.
Limitations of liability
The user of the site acknowledges having the necessary skills and means to access and use this site. It also acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used contains no viruses and that it is in perfect working order. The user also acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to respect it.
Use of data and cookie management
The user is informed that when he visits the site, a cookie can be automatically installed on his navigation software. This cookie does not contain any personal information and is used exclusively for statistical purposes.